PARADISE NOW?? AUDIOBOOK of Paradise Gardens new edition/ Addendum--Sheraton 2250. Not much works, but meeting is scheduled. Chapters 20-23
Paradise Gardens is a political dystopia, begun in the 1980s finished in a final New Edition in 2017 (Pelekinesis). I was working a clerical job on a Wall Street paper, when I had visions of downtown NYC in 2250 and the purged new world of 3001. The story opens at the desk of Janet McCarthy, claims adjustor at Rudimental Life Company, part of the United Business Estates (U.B.E.) Left behind are the Unconnected, people outside corporate protection.
Capitalism has devolved into the corporate feudalism of the U.B.E., where employees are conceived as Superior or Average to fit the needs of business. In 2250, after the Federal government has dissolved amid ecological breakdown, a real estate visionary, with a PR maven, sell corporate business on “Eden underground,” Paradise Gardens.
Though I wrote the book, because I couldn’t get the characters and scenes out of my mind (even dreamed sequences), I thought it was therapeutic, a cautionary tale. I had no idea any of it would come to pass. I prayed it was a fixation of my underemployed imagination. Yet here we are, almost in 2023, dealing with the described killer flus which decimate the population. As society breaks down in PG, the federal government is garrisoned under the capital against the social chaos. Now all of this may sound Matrix-like, another ho-hum Netflix dystopia but these fragments have the reality of the world we know.
From Paradise Gardens, audiobook. I have posted weekly. Now last chapters. If have interest in earlier ones, leave message.
Audiobook is a collaboration with wonderful actress Nicole Greevy, brilliant at all the voices. More like radio play than reading. Audible.
"Clever, funny, serious, and prescient, this novel takes us on a heartbreaking journey. Lovers of Huxley's and Atwood's dystopias are in for a satisfying treat."--Sonia Taitz, award-winning author of The Watchmaker's Daughter (code: 5L4Q7R9C5T5TA)
HOBOKEN on fire
Here is audible link with a description.
ABOUT Paradise Gardens
about Paradise Gardens. This is the second of my books, finally published in a completely edited and illustrated version by Pelekinesis Press. It was inspired by the Reagan years and grew to become a dystopian look at late capitalism in an environmentally devastated Earth. In 2250's the last corporations flee underground to Paradise Gardens. The transition to a feudal corporate futureworld is complete. The novel takes place in 2250s and 3011s underground. I thought this Orwellian but not a few people have said it's closer to Huxley, except it's our world..
This book was read in clubs, Dixon Place and Darinka in the 1980s and in the Pelekinesis version 2017. It was run as a serial in an unedited online version in 2014. I have been grateful to Pelekinesis for toiling with me to get this book in the best form possible and to have me illustrate this world. If you want to read, the New Edition is the best experience. The audiobook is perhaps more entertaining but no art. Thanks for your interest. Some illustrations on FB.
BLURB from Dixon Place 2017 UNIMAGINABLE WORLDS in Lounge, 7:30 to 8:30. Free admission.
Imagine the unimaginable. You are living in an authoritarian business paradise but don't know it. Or you know real life is nothing like what is presented to people. You are part of the resistance but need your cover. Yet you are in love. That is the situation between Janet McCarthy, claims adjustor at Rudimental Life Co,, and Michael Thorpe, proprietor of a Greenwich Village store specializing in ethnic artifacts. When is romance key to human survival? For answers to this dilemma, in the tradition of Philip K. Dick's paranoid fiction, come visit Paradise Gardens.
“From the infinitely imaginative mind of Susan Weinstein, PARADISE GARDENS spins a fabulous web. Clever, funny, serious, and prescient, this novel takes us on a breathtaking journey. Lovers of Aldous Huxley’s and Margaret Atwood’s dystopias are in for a satisfying treat.”
—Sonia Taitz, award-winning author of The Watchmaker’s Daughter and Great With Child.
"One of the most disturbing yet oddly
funny science fiction/dystopian sagas I've ever read. When corporations have
wrung every drop out of nature and mankind has no other option but to build
entire communities underground, how do you spin it to make it seem like a dream
destination? You call it PARADISE GARDENS
of course and you sell it like everything else. When we have no natural water,
no natural food, and even the wind and the sunlight has been poisoned you will
still have hucksters selling whatever is left for top of the line prices. A
thought provoking story well conceived and brilliantly executed."
--Patrick King, author of the Shane Cullaine
detective series

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