PARADISE NOW?? AUDIOBOOK of Paradise Gardens new edition/ Addendum--Sheraton 2250. Not much works, but meeting is scheduled. Chapters 20-23

SHERATON in 2250. Not much works, but meeting is scheduled. PARADISE NOW?? Paradise Gardens Addendum Paradise Gardens is a political dystopia, begun in the 1980s finished in a final New Edition in 2017 (Pelekinesis). I was working a clerical job on a Wall Street paper, when I had visions of downtown NYC in 2250 and the purged new world of 3001. The story opens at the desk of Janet McCarthy, claims adjustor at Rudimental Life Company, part of the United Business Estates (U.B.E.) Left behind are the Unconnected, people outside corporate protection. Capitalism has devolved into the corporate feudalism of the U.B.E., where employees are conceived as Superior or Average to fit the needs of business. In 2250, after the Federal government has dissolved amid ecological breakdown, a real estate visionary, with a PR maven, sell corporate business on “Eden underground,” Paradise Gardens. Though I wrote the book, because I couldn’t get the characters and scenes out of my mind (even dreamed sequenc...