Street Cirque's BOUDICCA! Review, stirring classic story of Warrior Queen resonates in 2018.

Street Cirque's BOUDICCA, Directed, Written & Choreographed by Lauren Elizabeth

I didn't know anything about Boudiccas, but my friend said she knew a coder, who used the name.
Now I know why. It is a code "for a woman fighting to have her voice heard. It's been centuries, but I can hear her call being revived. on this stage, in media, in our governments, women are demanding to be heard... Let's not wait another 2000 years to listen." (from Director's Note.)

Program--The production opens 20 years after the initial Roman invasion of Britain, when Boudicca's husband the largest advocate for peace passes away. What was supposed to be a smooth transition quickly turns into a violent power grab by the Romans. Boudica, her daughters, neighboring tribes, are forced to act as they contemplate what future is worth living for.  Like an Opera, the story is an outline. Interpretation is all. 

Rachel Weekley looked an unlikely warrior queen. She is slight, sensitive, lithe with a dancer's muscles and grace. Her daughters are all to her. Elowyn is a Druid in training, the other, Liv a crafty hunter (Kate Brandenburg) whose snares provide food. BOUDICCA weighs almost certain failure, outnumbered by the Roman conquerers, with a future as Rome's impoverished conquest. She is torn, wanting her daughters to have "tomorrows." After they are brutalized by a greedy tax (Anton Ashmere) collector,, she knows the only choice is to fight,

She transitions from wanting peace at all costs, to realizing the power of a just cause no matter the cost.. Her daughters go from sweet adventurous young women to warriors with a seriousness their mother regrets. The dances, inspired choreography by Lauren Elizabeth, to celtic sounding music, tell the story underlying the dialogue. The cast, some of which double as Romans, fight, die, suffer, celebrate victory or Roman arrogance.

Notable also were Chelsea Rodriguez's intricate depiction of a mystical Druid Priest and Sara Minisquero as Boudicca's general, friend and  dogged fighter, especially in the last battle. I can see why this story lives on and reverbs for today. Change is the happy ending to this play.

Would be great if this production had another night with a bigger budget. Governor Gaius, was impressive by sheer character, knowing he's superior to "babarians" than, addressing Boudicca with respect. 




Street Cirque takes the historic tale of Boudicca to the circus, with dance, and acrobatics punctuating a story of family, rebellion, and perseverance. Twenty years after the initial Roman invasion, the largest advocate for peace, Boudicca’s husband, passes away. What was supposed to be a smooth transition quickly turns into a violent power grab by the Romans. Boudicca, her daughters, and the neighboring tribes, are forced to act as they contemplate what future is worth living for.


Street Cirque began in 2016 with an adaptation of Moulin Rouge which kickstarted our focus on blending traditional spoken theatre with circus arts. Dancing is everywhere, circus can be as well, and it’s our hope that by blending these two mediums we can provide a unique opportunity for both audience member, and performing artist. Want to stay in the know? Email or follow @StreetCirque on social media for updates. Want to lend some support? We accept donations via


General Admission
$15 in advance
$20 at the door and for seniors, students, NYPD
Estimated Runtime
90 Minutes

Rachel Weekley
Kate Brandenburg
Madelyn Wiley
Sara Minisquero
David Baxter
Owen Hayden
Anton Kurdakov
Chelsea Rodriguez
Hannah Colonnese
Katharina Schmidt

Lauren Elizabeth
Kimberley Kreps
Natalie McFancy
Leana Macaya (Poster Design)


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