In the 3000s humankind will have contact w/alien life. Are we ready? CONFESSIONS Vol 1 of E.T. Marshall's New Mythology for the 3rd Millenium shows a 1st unexpected contact

Are we living in a computer simulation? Elon Musk thinks so. Here's E.T. Marshall's look, as his hero becomes conscious of alien technology. C H A P T E R T H I R T E E N We were sitting on beach chairs facing the Pacific Ocean. There were many clouds in the sky but no sign of rain, and it had all the makings of a beautiful sunset. I watched the bright reds, reflected on the clouds above the glow, softly and slowly transform into a deep purple. A dozen squawking seagulls were flying overhead; sandpipers were darting in and out of the surf line. I took my shoes and socks off and rubbed my feet in the warm sand. I thought how easily my mind could be fooled. One minute in space and the next at Venice Beach. As I looked around, it sounded and felt so real. I could hear the waves breaking gently on the beach, the tender wind moving through the palm trees behind me. Vlad refilled my wine glass. “But Vlad, where are the people?” I asked. “Venice Be...