INTERVIEW Shrink-Wrap radio with authors Greg Mahr MD and Chris L. Drake Ph.D on THE WISDOM OF DREAMS: Science, Synchronicity and the Language of the Soul (Routledge)
Here are the links to the podcast of Shrink-Wrap Radio's, David Van Nuys Interview with Greg Mahr and Chris L.Drake The Bhavachakra or Wheel of Life. Y ama is the monstrous being holding the wheel in his hooves. Lord of the Hell Realms, he represents death and impermanence. Dreaming in Tibetan culture Bon is the original, pre-Buddhist faith of the Tibetan people, and Dzogchen Yoga is the highest form of Bon teachings. For centuries, Bon evolved and blended with a form of Buddhism called Vajrayana. Both Tibetan Buddhism and Bon coexist in the Himalayan region and in the Tibetan diaspora, and both acknowledge the important role of Dalai Lama as a religious and political leader. Dreaming is greatly valued in Tibetan culture, as is what we would call the unconscious ( Rinpoche, 1998 )...