GHOST WALTZ, Volume 1: NYC, Acquainted With the Night, Photo essay by Diana Rivera

Photo Essay. I love photography that begins where words leave off. This work is visual poetry, evoking feelings and sight below the surface of consciousnes, while showing what we think we know in one moment of time. Begin this walk. This is an excerpt of a longer series to be savored some night. S.W. On a Darkened Night, SoHo 2018 GHOST WALTZ, Volume 1: "Acquainted With the Night" by Diana A. Rivera New York City's architecture is full of layers of history. Rabid development continues to destroy historical buildings at an unprecedented rate. My current urban photography series Ghost Waltz was born from searching for New York City's past eras before they vanish. This series explores different neighborhoods and their singular a t mospheres; Downtown’s gritty patrician buildings; Midtown’s unearthly heights; U p town’s broad swathes of recognizable yet hidden historical elegance. With influences such as Brassai ̈ , silent films and spir...