LA COMMEDIA SOTTERRANEA DELLA MACHINA DA SCRIVERE, Swizzle Felt's FIRST FOLIO from the THE TYPEWRITER UNDERGROUND (Pelekinesis) Is this a put-on, precious satire, poetry, an infinite jest? Yes, as well as the first blast of THE TYPEWRITER UNDERGROUND, a movement both radical and retro, reactionary and progressive, profound and silly--Marc Zegans, poet and spoken word artist, began this movement after publishing a collection of verse, The Underwater Typewriter. The Typewriter Underground was originally inspired by an abandoned subway, boarded up and forgotten. Zegans imagined galleries, performance in such a space. His movement has attracted a group of like-minded artists making film, music, spoken word events. It's become an alt art movement. In the FIRST FOLIO he teams with Eric Edelman, a retro collage artist, to introduce fictional author, Swizzle Felt and his group of bohemian drop-outs, such as Edamame Phelps (his personal librarian), Clytaemnestra Litotes...