Lonz Cook's A LOSS TOO GREAT, when "happily ever after" is DOA., a man's love story

A LOSS TOO GREAT (Elevation Books, May) begins with Tom's arrival home to discover his beloved Mary dead on the floor. How she got there and what happened to the "happily ever after" of this attractive hardworking couple is a kind of parable for men about the fantasy of romance vs. real-life love. Lonz Cook unfolds a story that reminded me of Erich Segal's iconic "Love Story,” but shows how loss changes the man. This husband and father is tested and his strength changes his connection to life. in profound ways In the beginning, Tom and Mary, a happily married couple, are looking forward to "empty Nester" status. Tom eagerly looks forward to exploring new places, bike trips in nature, concerts and ,m ost of all, hot romance with Mary, his ideal soul-mate. He's smitten with her incredible beauty, undimmed by the years, her intelligence and intuitive understanding. His fantasies are a glossy brochure of "the good life," b...