Farewell to TAC (The Authors Corner) www.authorscorner.org Kept Literary Voices Alive

Farewell to The Author's Corner, a grand experiment. Thank you for being part of a grand experiment -- to keep literary voices alive . Instead of the ho-hum “book review” or “author interview,” how about “authentic author readings” from new books? That was the concept, a new third platform known as The Author's Corner, distributed nationwide to public radio stations for daily airing. TAC aired numerous debut authors plus ten Pulitzer-winners, with fully 50% women authors by design, in fiction and non-fiction. Listeners heard dramatic, revelatory and moving passages from hundreds of books they'd otherwise not encounter: truly -- many voices, many views, changing daily . It was delightful to introduce new authors to audiences... but where else could you also hear from the son of the "Cowardly Lion" of Oz, the younger brother of Lady Diana, sassy Amy Poehler, and a Nobel-winning president? The concept still se...